Sunday, January 30, 2011

What's your name?

So its Sunday and its a Bye Week for the Bears, so no football for us today. So I'm getting ready to go to the grocery store and then taking the girl to a play date. So i take the stupid dog outside and while he is doing his business, Mr 2112 comes home. (btw i saw him friday night as he was leaving to go out, lol he was wearing a black straw cowboy hat all rolled up like............. too cute) So he gets out of his car and is taking his sweet time. I'm watching him from the corner of my eye, this is too funny. So of course stupid dog being himself decides he needs to go say hello to Mr 2112 (friendly dog is making friends for me, lol) SO heres what transpires 

dumb dog runs up and wants to be petted so Mr 2112 pets him and says hello to him and then...
2112: What's your dogs name?
Me: stupid dog
2112: cool, what's your name
me: (hahah really? wow, nice move): Betty 
2112: hi I'm "2112"
me: nice to meet you neighbor
2112: oh really we're neighbors?
me: (yea rt. like you didn't know, lol) yup we share a wall, lol
2112: oh ok, cool
hahahahahah, wow so  he standing really close me, I have a small personal bubble and man he is all the way in it, i dont think he has any awareness of personnel space, lol

now the conversation goes on for a while about random things it's not a long conversation, just, where ya from, are you perm party or tdy, what's your duty station, blah blah blah

so what i found out; he's tdy here for 6 mths, and is stationed at Scott AFB Ill.. and he smiles ALOT and its like a full mouth smile, like he is showing off his braces, which by the way i thinks is absolutely adorable, i can see he's got grey coming in, in his "i haven't shaved in 2 days" stubble, lol. so maybe he is older than i thought.....

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Diva says that Stupid Dog had better be picking a good man or he'll come and set him straight.
